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In the following table ten terms of linguistic anthropology are used in applied sense.

In the following table, ten terms of linguistic anthropology are used in an applied sense. Read the scenarios carefully and identify the terms.


Identification of Concept

The teacher was explaining the students the unique rules of the Arabic language. He explained the basic outline of the parts of speech in Arabic and one of the ideal ways in which the sentence is structured. Identify the linguistic anthropological term for this.



Hussain was telling his friends about the trip he has planned to the mountains. But he is afraid that driving in the mountains may cause an accident that may prove fatal to him. Because of this, he is thinking about changing his plan. Which linguistic anthropological term is explained here?



Language and Culture

For his anthropology term paper, Alina is working on linguistics and focusing on grammar, classification, and arrangement of the features of a language specifically at present times. Identify the term for this phenomenon under linguistic anthropology.


Levels of Complexity

Faiq is an anthropology student who took linguistics as his major. He is interested in the history and evolution of language through different periods in history. Identify the linguistic anthropological term for this.



Language Families

English is widely spoken all over the world but the way different words and sentence patterns are used to talk about the same thing is unique to each region. Identify the term for this phenomenon under linguistic anthropology.



Changes in Language

Asma, an anthropology student is given the assignment to choose a language and study the speech, sounds, and manual units and, how they change in different contexts within and among languages. She has to submit a detailed report on which sound combinations are acceptable to form words in that language, and how different languages use different meaningful sounds. Identify the term for this phenomenon under linguistic anthropology.




The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

While studying anthropology, Ali found that a language is composed of many small grammatical units of speech units, they can either be a complete word, prefixes, suffixes, es, or a single letter that can change the sense of the word. Which linguistic term is explained here?



Linking Language to Culture

While doing her English homework Fatima was given a passage and was asked to find out the single words that can convey the full meaning of the word alone. She was asked to identify which linguistic anthropological term.



Cultural Emphasis

When Christ went to Germany to study, she found out that there was a huge variety in the language within the city. The language variety used in formal/professional settings, such as in education, politics, and the mass media was different than what was used in everyday conversations and is spoken in more informal settings, such as at home and with family/friends. Which linguistic anthropological term is explained here?




Language and Nationalism

Zia lives in Jhang and speaks Punjabi as his first language. When he visited Lahore he was amazed to see how the Punjabi language is spoken differently there. The words were pronounced and articulated so differently that he was unable to grasp some words completely. Which linguistic anthropological term is explained here?




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