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Performing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and imagination than reading. Do you agree? Explain your view point, using specific reasons and details.

Performing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and imagination than reading. Do you agree? Explain your viewpoint, using specific reasons and details.


I believe that children should be involved in activities they are interested in because it helps improve their skills and develop their ingenuity. Making activities fun for kids can improve their skills and imagination, but reading is often viewed as a preferred activity. I believe that children's ability to be creative and proficient can develop through activities that they enjoy.

Sometimes, while reading, children cannot comprehend proper vocabulary and phrases. The better option for them is to engage them in activities they enjoy instead of trying to teach them. Each child has their style of creativity, and fostering those skills with the correct supervision will strengthen them. Children need different activities at different stages of development.

For Example:-

Painting may be the favorite activity of some children, but puzzles may be the favorite activity of others. When elders fail to be cognizant of these interests properly, their talents might become ineffectual after a point in time.

Sport is an enjoyable and healthy way for young people to develop their emotional maturity and gain self-esteem. Science does not support the notion that reading is important for a child’s development at a young age.


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