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Identify the following question statements asked in an interview from the options given below.

purpose of an interview determines the type of questions being asked by an
interviewer to an interviewee. Identify the following question statements asked
in an interview from the options given below.


What type of working environment do you excel in?


Open ended question

Direct open ended question

Close ended question

Restatement question


Are you feeling better today?

a.   Open ended question

b.   Direct open ended question

c.   Close
ended question

d.   Restatement question


Describe a complex project that you were assigned to.
What approach did you take to complete it? What was the outcome?


a.   Open ended question

b.   Direct open ended question

c.   Close ended question

d.   Restatement question

Describe a specific problem you’ve encountered in your position. How did you go
about solving it?


a.   Direct open ended question

b.   Open ended question

c.   Close ended question

d.   Restatement question


You said you dislike working in an ethnic environment. Is that correct?


a.   Open ended question

b.   Direct open ended question

c.   Close ended question

d.   Restatement question 

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