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Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it, and understand its meaning.

Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it, and understand its
meaning. Real reading has to do with thinking, learning, and expanding the reader’s
knowledge and horizons. A passage has been given. Read the passage carefully and answer
the multiple choice questions given below:

If a person suddenly encounters any terrible danger, the change of nature one undergoes is
equally great. Sometimes fear numbs our senses. Like animals, one stands still, powerless to
move a step in fright or to lift a hand in defense of our lives, and sometimes one is seized with
panic, and again, act more like the inferior animals than rational beings. On the other hand,
frequently in cases of sudden extreme peril, which cannot be escaped by flight, and must be
instantly faced, even the most timid men at once as if by miracle, become possessed of the
necessary courage, sharp quick apprehension and swift decision. This is a miracle very common
in nature. Man and the inferior animals alike, when confronted with almost certain death ‘ gather
resolution from despair’ but there can really be no trace of so debilitating a feeling in the person
fighting, or prepared to fight for dear life. At such times the mind is clearer than it has ever been;
the nerves are steel, there is nothing felt but a wonderful strength and daring. Looking back at
certain perilous moments in my own life, I remember them with a kind of joy, not that there was
any joyful excitement then, but because they broadened my horizon, lifted me for a time above

    1. The title that best suits the passage would be: 

        a. The Will to Fight   ( Right Answer)

        b. The Miracle of Confronting Danger 

        c. The Change of Nature 

        d. Courage and Panic 
    2. The distinction between ‘inferior animals’ and ‘rational beings’ is that: 

        a. The former are incapable of fighting 

        b. The latter is clever 
        c. The latter is stronger 
        d. The latter are capable of reasoning things out whereas the former cannot do so  ( Right Answer)

    3. What is the meaning of the word ‘debilitating’? 

        a. Enfeeble ( Right Answer)

        b. Strengthen 

        c. Debase 

        d. Thriving 

    4. Explain the phrase ‘gather resolution from danger’. 

        a. Find peace in times of difficulty 

        b. A state of utter hopelessness makes one determined to face the difficulty ( Right Answer)

        c. To remain calm and not to lose hope. 

        d. To be enthusiastic and brave the odds 

    5. The author feels happy in the recollection of dangers faced and overcome because: 

        a. They brought him a new experience. 

        b. They added a new perspective and lifted him above himself for a time.  ( Right Answer)

        c. These experiences boosted his confidence. 

        d. He felt elated as he was alive. 


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