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what could be the architectural problems with the software system which is being re-designed? Mention with at least three of them.

Based on the scenario (in question#1) what could be the architectural problems with the software system which is being re-designed? Mention at least three of them.


1. Monolithic architecture: The current software system may have a monolithic architecture, where all the features and functionality are tightly coupled together in a single codebase. This can make it difficult to scale and maintain the system, as well as introduce dependencies that can cause issues when trying to make changes.

2. Lack of modularity: The current software system may not be modular, meaning that it does not have a clear separation of concerns between different areas of functionality. This can make it difficult to understand how the system works, as well as make it harder to add new features or make changes to existing ones.

3. Lack of scalability: The current software system may not be designed to scale to handle increased traffic or data volume. This can lead to issues such as slow performance, increased downtime, and difficulty in handling large amounts of data.

4. Inadequate security measures: The current software system may not have sufficient security measures in place to protect against potential cyber threats. This can put sensitive data at risk and make it difficult to comply with industry regulations and standards.

5. Limited flexibility and extensibility: The current software system may have limited flexibility and extensibility, making it difficult to adapt to changing business needs, add new features and functionalities, and integration with other systems.

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