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Write an assembly language program that performs the following operations

Write an assembly language program that performs the following operations :

1-      While pressing the right shift button clear the screen and print your name on the console screen using BIOS Video Services.
2-      While pressing the left shift button clear the screen and Print your VU ID on the console screen using BIOS Video Services.


1- While pressing the right shift button clear the screen and print your name on the console screen using BIOS Video Services.

section .data

name db 'Your Name',0

section .text

global _start


    ;check for right shift button press

    in al, 0x60

    cmp al, 0x36

    jne exit

    ;clear screen and print name

    mov ah, 0x00

    mov al, 0x03

    int 0x10

    mov ah, 0x09

    mov dx, name

    int 0x21


    ;exit program

    mov eax, 0x1

    xor ebx, ebx

    int 0x80

2- While pressing the left shift button clear the screen and Prints your VU ID on the console screen using BIOS Video Services.
section .data

vu_id db 'Your VU ID',0

section .text

global _start


    ;check for left shift button press

    in al, 0x60

    cmp al, 0x2A

    jne exit

    ;clear screen and print VU ID

    mov ah, 0x00

    mov al, 0x03

    int 0x10

    mov ah, 0x09

    mov dx, vu_id

    int 0x21


    ;exit program

    mov eax, 0x1

    xor ebx, ebx

    int 0x80

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