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Differentiate between R and K selected species

Differentiate between R and K selected species.


R-selected species and K-selected species are two types of species that have different reproductive strategies and life histories.

R-selected species are characterized by their high reproductive rate, short life expectancy, and high mortality rate. They are also known as opportunistic species, as they quickly take advantage of favorable conditions to reproduce rapidly. They typically have small body sizes and produce a large number of offspring, but provide little or no parental care. Examples of R-selected species include insects, bacteria, and small rodents.

K-selected species, on the other hand, are characterized by their slow reproductive rate, long life expectancy, and low mortality rate. They are also known as equilibrium species, as they tend to live in stable environments and have a constant population size. They typically have larger body sizes and produce fewer offspring, but provide significant parental care. Examples of K-selected species include elephants, whales, and primates.

In summary, R-selected species prioritize high reproductive output and rapid colonization of new habitats, while K-selected species prioritize survival and stability in their existing habitats. The reproductive strategies of these two types of species are adapted to the environmental conditions and resources available in their habitats.

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