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Explain the motion of an object in the following Situations with suitable examples from daily life,

Explain the motion of an object in the following Situations with suitable examples from daily life,

a) Speed is constant but velocity is varying

b) Acceleration of a body is constant but velocity is zero

c) Speed is constant but acceleration is not zero

d) Force is applied but acceleration is zero


a) Speed is constant but velocity is varying

In this situation, the speed of an object remains constant but its velocity changes. This happens when the object moves along a curved path, where the direction of motion changes continuously. For example, when a car moves along a circular road at a constant speed, the car's velocity is constantly changing, as it is always changing direction.

b) Acceleration of a body is constant but velocity is zero

When the acceleration of a body is constant but its velocity is zero, it means that the object is at rest and not moving. For example, when a car is parked, its velocity is zero, even though it may have a constant acceleration when it starts moving.

c) Speed is constant but acceleration is not zero

In this situation, the speed of an object remains constant, but its acceleration is not zero. This can happen when an object moves along a straight path but experiences a change in its velocity due to a change in its direction. For example, when a car moves around a corner, its speed remains constant, but its acceleration changes as it turns.

d) Force is applied but acceleration is zero

When a force is applied to an object, but its acceleration is zero, it means that the object is in a state of equilibrium. In this situation, the applied force is balanced by an equal and opposite force, which results in a net force of zero and no acceleration. For example, when a book is placed on a table, the force of gravity pulls the book downward, but the table exerts an equal and opposite force upward, resulting in zero acceleration.

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