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If the bandwidth of the channel is 5 Kbps, how long does it take to send a frame of 100,000 bits out of this device?

If the bandwidth of the channel is 5 Kbps, how long does it take to send a frame of 100,000 bits out of this device?


To calculate the time it takes to send a frame of 100,000 bits using a channel with a certain bandwidth, you can use the formula:

Transmission Time = Frame Size / Bandwidth

In this case, the frame size is 100,000 bits, and the channel bandwidth is 5 Kbps (5,000 bits per second).

So, substituting these values into the formula, we get:

Transmission Time = 100,000 bits / 5,000 bits per second

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Transmission Time = 20 seconds

Therefore, it would take 20 seconds to send a frame of 100,000 bits out of this device using a channel with a bandwidth of 5 Kbps

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