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Now keeping in view, the above scenario, answer the following questions:

Zarkam is a social media user who notices that a stranger has been commenting on all of her posts and sending him private messages, even though he doesn't know the person. At first, the comments are harmless, but they gradually become more personal and threatening, with the stranger making explicit references to Zarkam’s home, workplace, and other personal details. Zarkam becomes increasingly frightened and feels like he is being watched all the time.

Now keeping in view, the above scenario, answer the following questions:

1. Mention the cyber-crime type(s), which are occurring in the scenario.

2. Mention the category of cybercrime.

3. Mention any 2 possible prevention measures for such types of cyber crimes.         


1.    The cybercrime types that are occurring in the scenario are online stalking and cyber harassment.

2.    The category of cybercrime that is occurring in the scenario is cyber stalking, which is defined as the use of the internet or other electronic means to harass, intimidate, or threaten someone.

3.    Two possible prevention measures for such types of cyber-crimes are:

a) Adjusting social media privacy settings: Users can adjust their privacy settings to limit who can see their posts and personal information. This can help to reduce the risk of cyberstalking by making it more difficult for strangers to access personal details.

b) Reporting and blocking the perpetrator: Social media platforms have features that allow users to block and report individuals who are harassing or threatening them. Users can use these features to prevent the perpetrator from contacting them and to alert the platform of cybercrime.

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