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You are required to choose the most appropriate term/names against each scenario given in the below table.

You are required to choose the most appropriate term/names against each scenario given in the below table. You are required to write only index numbers (1, 2, 3…etc) of term/names against each scenario in the below table. 


1. Office daily routine word processing systems

2. CS507

3. Structure approach

4. Data Mart

5. Strategic planning. 

6. Non-Structured approach

7. Open system

8. Strategic planning.

9. External Source of information

10. Organization

11. Culture of the Organization

12. Close system

13. Waterfall planning

14. Zebra Planning 

15. Middle-Top planning


Term/Names (The scenario refers to)

Example: Course title is “information


A small business want to buy an equipment that will increase the
productivity. He uses following steps prior to buy the equipment. Gather
information, identify and evaluate alternative then make a decision.

A subset of large data
warehouse to serve a specific organization need or departmental need.

Outlines the key initiatives, resources, and priorities needed to
achieve the organization's vision and mission.


Let’s say, some friends planning to go on a trip. They have two
options to go: option A is to visit a famous hill station and option B is to
visit Karachi for sea view. Instead of making a decision on preference,
budget and weather, they decided randomly to choose option through flipping a

Systems that exchange information, energy, or materials with their
environment, such as living organisms or organizations.

A technology company want to expand business in new markets. The
company makes a plan to define its long-term goals and directions. This
company prepare company’s mission and vision, conduct SWOT analysis, define
plan for achieving goals and objectives and define the monitoring policy.

Industry publications, Market research reports, competitor
analysis, Government reports and news and media reports

Interact with their environment to achieve their goals. They take
in inputs, such as raw materials, labor, and information, and produce
outputs, such as products or services. They also exchange information with
their stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, and competitors

Doctors without Borders 

Mission, vision, values, behavior, customs and attitude within a
particular workplace defined by a variety of attributes, for example,
communication flow and the way people dress..etc.



Term/Names (The scenario refers to)

Example: Course title is “information


A small business want to buy an equipment that will increase the
productivity. He uses following steps prior to buy the equipment. Gather
information, identify and evaluate alternative then make a decision.


A subset of large data
warehouse to serve a specific organization need or departmental need.


Outlines the key initiatives, resources, and priorities needed to
achieve the organization's vision and mission.



Let’s say, some friends planning to go on a trip. They have two
options to go: option A is to visit a famous hill station and option B is to
visit Karachi for sea view. Instead of making a decision on preference,
budget and weather, they decided randomly to choose option through flipping a


Systems that exchange information, energy, or materials with their
environment, such as living organisms or organizations.


A technology company want to expand business in new markets. The
company makes a plan to define its long-term goals and directions. This
company prepare company’s mission and vision, conduct SWOT analysis, define
plan for achieving goals and objectives and define the monitoring policy.


Industry publications, Market research reports, competitor
analysis, Government reports and news and media reports


Interact with their environment to achieve their goals. They take
in inputs, such as raw materials, labor, and information, and produce
outputs, such as products or services. They also exchange information with
their stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, and competitors



Doctors without Borders 



Mission, vision, values, behavior, customs and attitude within a
particular workplace defined by a variety of attributes, for example,
communication flow and the way people dress..etc.



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