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Bioinformatics I I MCQs | BIF401 MCQs | Set 1

 Bioinformatics I MCQs | BIF401 MCQs | Set 1

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1)    Humans have over _________ genes.

    a)        30,000

    b)       25,000

    c)        35,000

    d)       39,000

Correct Answer:

The correct answer is  'b'.


Humans have around 20,000 to 25,000 protein-coding genes in their genome. This number has been revised and updated as more research and advancements in genomics have been made. The Human Genome Project, which was completed in 2003, estimated the number of human genes to be around 20,000 to 25,000.


2)    The genes may produce _________ different proteins

    a)        < 250,000

    b)        > 25,000

    c)        > 250,000

    d)        < 25,000

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The number of different proteins that can be produced from the human genes is much greater than the number of genes themselves due to a process called alternative splicing. Alternative splicing allows different combinations of exons (the coding regions of genes) to be included or excluded from the final mRNA product. This process can result in a single gene coding for multiple different protein isoforms, each with unique functions or properties. As a result, the potential number of different proteins that can be generated is far greater than the number of genes, and it can exceed 250,000.


3)    Modern biological experiments produce data that is stored on ______.

    a)       Internet

    b)       Computers

    c)       Labs

    d)       None of these

Correct Answer:

The correct answer is  'b'


Biological experiments generate various types of data, such as DNA sequences, protein structures, experimental results, and more. Storing this data on computers is a common practice because computers offer a reliable and organized way to manage and analyze large volumes of data. Researchers can use specialized software and databases to store, process, and share biological data, making it accessible for further analysis, collaboration, and reference. Storing data on computers also allows for data backup and long-term preservation, which is crucial in scientific research. While the internet may be used for data sharing and collaboration, the primary storage medium for biological data is typically computers.


4)    Data is being accumulated at an _____ rate

    a)        Exponentially increasing

    b)        Double increasing

    c)        Decreasing

    d)       Stable

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


Data is accumulating at an exponentially increasing rate due to several factors:

Technological Advancements: Advances in technology have made it easier and more cost-effective to collect and store data. High-speed internet, improved data storage solutions, and powerful computing capabilities have accelerated data generation.

Internet of Things (IoT): The proliferation of IoT devices, such as smartphones, sensors, and connected appliances, continuously generates data, leading to an exponential increase in data volume.

Big Data Analytics: Organizations and researchers are increasingly using big data analytics to extract valuable insights from data. This encourages the collection and storage of more data for analysis.

Social Media and Online Activities: The widespread use of social media, online transactions, and digital communication has led to a massive increase in data generation, such as text, images, videos, and user interactions.

Scientific Research: Fields like genomics, astronomy, and climate science generate vast amounts of data from experiments and observations.

Business and Industry: Companies collect and analyze data for market research, customer insights, and process optimization, contributing to the exponential growth of data.

These factors, among others, have led to a rapid and exponential increase in the amount of data being generated and stored, making "exponentially increasing" an accurate description of the trend.


5)    Since genome and _____ information is publically available you can process this information after downloading it.

    a)        Proteome

    b)        Evolutionary studies

    c)         System biology

    d)        Both b and c

Correct Answer:

The correct answer is  'a'.


Genomic and proteomic information is publicly available for many organisms due to extensive research efforts and data-sharing initiatives. Researchers often make these data sets accessible to the scientific community and the public through online databases and repositories. Once you download this data, you can process and analyze it for various purposes, including genomics and proteomics research.


6)     Biology easily has _____ years of exciting problems to work on.

    a)       550

    b)       500 

    c)        450

    d)       10000  

Correct Answer:

The correct answer is  'b'.


The estimate of "500 years" is not meant to be taken as an exact measurement of time, but rather as a way to express that there are still many unexplored and challenging questions and problems in the field of biology. Biology is a dynamic and evolving science, and there will always be new discoveries, emerging areas of study, and complex questions to explore. This statement emphasizes the vast potential for ongoing research and advancement in the field, and it's a way of highlighting the long-term nature of biological exploration. The specific number "500 years" is a rough estimate used to convey the idea that biology will continue to offer exciting challenges and opportunities for centuries to come.


7)    "Biology easily has 500 years of exciting problems to work on" is saying of _____?

    a)        Donald trump

    b)        William Knuth

    c)        Donald Knuth

    d)       William Edwin

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The statement "Biology easily has 500 years of exciting problems to work on" is often attributed to Donald Knuth, a computer scientist and pioneer in the field of computer algorithms and programming. This quote reflects his perspective on the enduring and challenging nature of the field of biology.


8)    If we observe the growth of gene bank then from 1982 it comprised _____ base pairs:

    a)        3 billions

    b)       2 billions

    c)        3 millions

    d)       2 millions

Correct Answer:

The correct answer is  'b'.


GenBank, a public database of DNA sequences, did not contain millions of base pairs in 1982. Instead, GenBank contained around 2 billion base pairs in 1982. 


9)     By year 2002 growth of gene bank had risen to ____ base pairs.

    a)        25 billions

    b)        65 billions

    c)         56 billions

    d)        52 billions

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


By the year 2002, the growth of the gene bank had risen to approximately 65 billion base pairs.


10)   Phylogenetic "tree of life" basically consists of the following three domains:  

    a)        Bacteria, archae, monera

    b)        Plantae, Animalia, fungi

    c)        Bacteria, archae, eucarya

    d)       Eucarya, viruses, protozoa

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The "tree of life" is divided into three main domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya. This classification is based on evolutionary relationships and genetic differences among organisms.


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