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Biostatistics MCQs | BIO401 MCQs | Set 4

 Biostatistics MCQs | BIO401 MCQs | Set 4

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1)    ________________ are the smallest numbers that can actually belong to different classes.

    a)        Upper class limits

    b)        Class width

    c)        Lower class limits

    d)       None of these

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


Lower class limits represent the smallest numbers within each class in a grouped frequency distribution. They establish the starting point or lower boundary of each class interval or category.


2)    The average value of a data is called ______.

    a)        Mean

    b)        Standard deviation

    c)        Median

    d)        Mode

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


The average value of a dataset is called Mean. The mean, also known as the arithmetic average, is obtained by adding up all the values in the dataset and then dividing by the total number of values.


3)    ______is known as “Father of Modern."

    a)       Florence Nightingale

    b)       Lady with Lamp

    c)       Sir Ronald A. Fisher

    d)       John Graunt

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The individual known as the "Father of Modern" statistics is Sir Ronald A. Fisher. Sir Ronald A. Fisher was a highly influential statistician and geneticist who made significant contributions to the field of statistics, especially in experimental design and the analysis of variance. He's often regarded as a key figure in the development of modern statistical science.


4)    “An aggregate of entities for which we have an interest at a particular time” is  called:

    a)        Sample

    b)        Data

    c)        Mean

    d)        Population

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


In statistics, a population is the entire collection of individuals, objects, or measurements of interest, often from which a sample is taken for study and analysis.


5)    ______ type of sampling refers to Identifying someone who meets the criteria for inclusion in the study. 

    a)        Non Probability sampling

    b)        Snowball sampling

    c)         Probability sampling

    d)        Random sampling

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


Snowball sampling is a type of non-probability sampling where participants are asked to recruit other potential participants from their social networks. This method is often used to study populations that are difficult to reach, such as people with rare diseases or people who engage in illegal activities.


6)     _________ type of frequency distribution is used for data sets with few different values. 

    a)       Ungrouped Frequency Distribution

    b)        Grouped Frequency Distribution

    c)       Frequency histogram

    d)       All

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


Ungrouped frequency distribution is used when there are only a few distinct values in the dataset, and each value is listed separately with its corresponding frequency.


7)     A discrete variable is:

    a)        Height

    b)        Skull circumference

    c)        The number of daily admissions in a hospital

    d)       Weight

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


A discrete variable is one that can only take on specific, separate values, typically integers, and cannot have values between these distinct points. In this case, the count of daily admissions in a hospital represents a discrete variable, as it is a whole number count and not a continuous measure.


8)    Which case is true for simple random sampling? 

    a)        None

    b)        Can sample with replacement

    c)        Can sample without replacement

    d)       Can sample with or without replacement

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


Simple random sampling involves selecting individuals from a population in such a way that each possible sample of a particular size has an equal probability of being selected. This sampling method typically involves sampling without replacement, where once an individual is selected for the sample, they are not replaced before the next selection is made. 


9)    The __________ is the middle number.

    a)        population

    b)        median

    c)         mode

    d)        sample

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


The middle number in a dataset, when the values are arranged in numerical order, is referred to as Median.


10)   The General Population that the study seeks to understand. 

    a)        Source population

    b)        Sample population

    c)        target population

    d)       Study population

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The term "target population" refers to the specific group or population that a research study intends to investigate or generalize its findings to. It's the broader group that the study is focusing on and seeking to draw conclusions about based on the results obtained from the sample.


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