English Comprehension MCQs | ENG101 MCQs | Set 6
English Comprehension MCQs | ENG101 MCQs | Set 6
MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)
1) Read the sentence carefully and decide which of the choices provided comes closest in meaning to the word underlined.
America has been called the affluent society because of its abundance of goods and services.
a) Middle-class
b) Divided
c) Prosperous
d) Generous
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'c'.
The word "affluent" means having a plentiful supply of goods or wealth, typically referring to a state of prosperity or abundance. Therefore, "prosperous" is the closest synonym to "affluent" in this context because it also denotes a state of wealth, abundance, or economic well-being.
2) Read the sentence carefully and decide which of the choices provided comes closest in meaning to the word underlined.
Like reward, punishment serves two major functions in discipline. It deters the repetition of socially undesirable acts, and it shows the adolescent what the social group considers wrong.
a) Permits
b) Changes
c) Discourages
d) Encourages
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'c'.
The word "deters" in the sentence means to discourage or prevent someone from doing something, especially by instilling fear or doubt about the consequences. In the context of discipline, punishment is used to discourage or deter individuals, in this case, adolescents, from engaging in socially undesirable acts by making them aware of the negative consequences.
3) Choose the best answer from the given options.
You must have been _____ daydreaming _____ sleeping in class again.
b) either…or
c) Neither…or
d) both…or
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'b'.
The complete sentence would be: "You must have been either daydreaming or sleeping in class again."
In this context, "either...or" is used to present two possible options or choices. It suggests that the person was either daydreaming or sleeping in class, but not both.
4) Complete the sentence by choosing the best option.
We have enough spices for only one type of curry. We can cook _____ chicken curry _____ mutton curry.
a) both…and
b) either…or
c) neither…nor
d) either…and
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'b'.
The use of "either...or" in this sentence is appropriate because it conveys a sense of choice or alternatives.
5) Select the option that best describes the sentence.
Bruno went to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and Pauline went to Cape Cod.
a) Compound-Complex Sentence
b) Complex Sentence
c) Compound Sentence
d) Simple Sentence
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'c'.
This is a compound sentence because it consists of two independent clauses ("Bruno went to the White Mountains of New Hampshire" and "Pauline went to Cape Cod") joined by the coordinating conjunction "and." Each clause could stand alone as a separate sentence, making it a compound sentence.
6) Select the option that best describes the sentence.
Bruno tends to get bored sitting on the beach, watching the waves, getting sand in his swimsuit, and reading detective novels for a week.
a) Compound Sentence
b) Simple Sentence
c) Compound-Complex Sentence
d) Complex Sentence
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'b'.
This is a simple sentence because it consists of one independent clause, which is "Bruno tends to get bored sitting on the beach, watching the waves, getting sand in his swimsuit, and reading detective novels for a week." It conveys a complete thought on its own.
7) What is true of the following example?
He doesn't like her, but he wants her to like him.
a) It is a compound sentence.
b) It is a compound-complex sentence.
c) It is a complex sentence.
d) It is a simple sentence.
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'a'.
This is a compound sentence because it consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "but." Each clause, "He doesn't like her" and "he wants her to like him," can stand alone as a complete sentence, and they are connected to express contrasting ideas.
8) What is true of the following example?
The ape is accepted, and sits quietly smoking a cigar and reading a newspaper, which he holds upside down.
a) It is a compound sentence.
b) It is a compound-complex sentence.
c) It is a complex sentence.
d) It is a simple sentence.
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'c'.
This is a complex sentence because it consists of one independent clause ("The ape is accepted") and one dependent clause ("which he holds upside down"). The dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and is connected to the independent clause by the relative pronoun "which."
9) What is true of the following example?
If society as a whole cannot be rejuvenated, the individual needs to work for personal certainty.
a) It contains an appositive phrase.
b) It contains an adjectival clause.
c) It contains an adverbial clause.
d) It contains a noun clause.
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'c'.
The clause "If society as a whole cannot be rejuvenated" is an adverbial clause because it functions as an adverb to modify the main clause. It provides information about the circumstances or condition under which the action in the main clause takes place. In this case, it explains the condition under which the individual needs to work for personal certainty.
10) What is true of the following example?
The expanding economy of the 1920s created new freedom for young people, who began to break away from their families and live on their own.
a) It contains no dependent clause.
b) It contains an adverbial clause.
c) It contains a noun clause.
d) It contains a relative clause.
Correct Answer:
The correct answer is 'd'.
The clause "who began to break away from their families and live on their own" is a relative clause because it begins with the relative pronoun "who" and provides additional information about the noun "young people." Relative clauses are used to modify nouns and provide more details about them.
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