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History of English Language MCQs | ENG501 MCQs | Set 4

History of English Language MCQs | ENG501 MCQs | Set 4

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1)   Old English Vocabulary appropriate to literature and learning died out and was replaced later by words borrowed from ________.

    a)        French and Latin

    b)        Latin and Greek

    c)        Greek and French

    d)        Latin and French

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Old English underwent significant changes in vocabulary and language use over time. The shift in vocabulary and language was primarily influenced by historical events, including the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. Old English vocabulary appropriate to literature and learning died out and was replaced by words borrowed from Latin and French.


2)    _______ in old English was a fertile resource in word building and particularly a feature in the formation of verbs.

    a)        Prefixes

    b)        Suffixes

    c)        Root words

    d)        Infixes

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


Suffixes in Old English were vital for word formation, particularly in the context of verbs, due to the language's inflectional and agglutinative nature. They allowed for the expression of a wide range of grammatical nuances and contributed to the richness and complexity of the Old English language.


3)    The literature of the _______ is the richest and the most significant of any preserved literature among the early Germanic people.

    a)       Anglo-Saxons

    b)       Celts

    c)        Jutes

    d)        Proto-germanic

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


The literature of the Anglo-Saxons is the richest and the most significant of any preserved literature among the early Germanic people.


4)   Which one is not the meaning of English word "wealth"?

    a)        Native

    b)        Welshman

    c)        Briton

    d)        Foreigner

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


The English word "wealth" primarily refers to an abundance of valuable possessions, money, or assets. It does not inherently imply "foreigner" in its meaning.


5)    The heathon god "Tiw" is named after _________.

    a)        Friday

    b)        Thursday 

    c)        Wednesday

    d)        Tuseday

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


The heathen god "Tiw" is named after Tuesday because the name "Tuesday" is derived from "Tiw's day." In Old English and other Germanic languages, the days of the week were often named after various gods or celestial bodies.


6)     Select the correct order of the material according to the age:

    a)        Gunpowder, stone, bronze, iron

    b)        Stone, gunpowder, bronze, iron

    c)        Bronze, iron, gunpowder, stone 

    d)        Stone, bronze, iron, gunpowder

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The order of materials from oldest to most recent is based on the historical development of human civilizations and the technologies they used:

  • Stone tools and weapons represent the earliest stage of human technological development, often referred to as the Stone Age.
  • Bronze was a significant advancement over stone, representing the Bronze Age when humans began to use metal alloys for tools and weapons.
  • Iron followed the Bronze Age, leading to the Iron Age, characterized by the widespread use of iron tools and weapons, which were more durable and widely available.
  • Gunpowder came much later in human history, marking a significant shift in warfare and technology. The use of gunpowder became prominent in the late medieval and early modern periods.

So, the correct order is stone, bronze, iron, and gunpowder, reflecting the historical progression of these materials in human civilization.


7)    The difference that one notices between Old and Modern concerns spelling & pronunciation, and ________.

    a)        lexicon & grammar

    b)        syntax & lexicon 

    c)        syntax & grammar

    d)        grammar & lexicography

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


When comparing Old and Modern English, it's essential to consider differences in spelling, pronunciation, lexicon (vocabulary), and grammar, as these aspects collectively highlight the evolution and transformation of the English language over time.


8)   Write the name of the period from 450 to 1150.

    a)       West Germanic English

    b)       Old English

    c)        Middle English

    d)        Medieval English

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


The period from 450 to 1150 is known as Old English because it corresponds to the historical stage of the English language during that time. 


9)     Nearly all of Old English literature is preserved in __________ transcribed in this region.

    a)        Manuscripts

    b)        Magazine

    c)         Encyclopedia

    d)        Journals

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


Old English literature was primarily preserved in manuscript form because it was produced in a period before the invention of the printing press.


10)   Latin was the language of ____________.  

    a)        Saxons

    b)        Anglos

    c)        Romans

    d)        Greeks

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


Latin was the language spoken by the Romans, who were the people of ancient Rome. Ancient Rome was a powerful civilization that existed from approximately 753 BC to 476 AD in what is now Italy and other parts of Europe. Latin was not only the spoken language of the Roman people but also the official language of the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire.


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