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Adnan is working as a counselor with a client who has lost his wife recently in an accident. While the client is sharing his experience, Adnan listens very attentively, maintains eye contact, and provides comfort. At one point during the session, the client while sharing certain memories starts crying and Adnan offers tissues to him. Questions. • Identify which personal characteristic of an effective counselor is Adnan demonstrating. • Identify behaviors through which Adnan has demonstrated this characteristic. • Suggest two other behaviors (other than the ones mentioned in the Case study) through which this characteristic can be demonstrated.

Adnan is working as a counselor with a client who has lost his wife recently in an accident. While the client is sharing his experience, Adnan listens very attentively, maintains eye contact, and provides comfort. At one point during the session, the client while sharing certain memories starts crying and Adnan offers tissues to him.  


Identify which personal characteristic of an effective counselor is Adnan demonstrating. 

Identify behaviors through which Adnan has demonstrated this characteristic.  

Suggest two other behaviors (other than the ones mentioned in the Case study) through which this characteristic can be demonstrated. 


Identify which personal characteristic of an effective counselor is Adnan demonstrating. Adnan is demonstrating the personal characteristic of Empathy.

Identify behaviors through which Adnan has demonstrated this characteristic.

1. Active Listening: Adnan listens attentively to the client, showing that he is fully present and engaged in the conversation.

2. Maintaining Eye Contact: By maintaining eye contact, Adnan conveys his sincere interest and empathy towards the client's experience.

3. Providing Comfort: Adnan offers tissues to the client when he starts crying, demonstrating his sensitivity to the client's emotional state.

Suggest two other behaviors through which this characteristic can be demonstrated.

1. Reflective Responses: Adnan could provide reflective responses, summarizing and validating the client's feelings. For example, he might say, "It sounds like you're feeling a deep sense of loss, and that's completely understandable."

2. Non-Verbal Cues: Adnan could use non-verbal cues such as nodding and facial expressions to show understanding and acknowledgment. These cues help reinforce to the client that Adnan is attuned to their emotions and experiences.

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