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Being the students of the “Issues in the economy of Pakistan”, Discuss the root causes of feudalism in agriculture sector of Pakistan.What initiatives (except mentioned above) should be taken by the government to eliminate the feudalism practices in the agriculture sector? (Discuss any two)


Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for the rural population and ensures food availability to rural and urban inhabitants. It is an important economic sector since it supplies raw materials to the nation's major industries and contributes significantly to export revenue. But since independence (1947), Pakistan agriculture sector has continued to be influenced by traditional landlords or "jagirdars" and influential landowning families. The influence of jagirdars has hindered the modernization of the agriculture sector. Traditional farming methods, limited access to credit and technology, and the resistance to change can slow agricultural development. Efforts have been made over the years to address these issues through land reform programs, changes in land tenure systems, and pro-poor agricultural policies. However, the legacy of jagirdari systems and the power of influential landowners continue to shape the agriculture sector and rural society in many parts of Pakistan.


Being the students of the “Issues in the economy of Pakistan”, Discuss the root causes of feudalism in agriculture sector of Pakistan.What initiatives (except mentioned above) should be taken by the government to eliminate the feudalism practices in the agriculture sector? (Discuss any two) 

Special Instruction: 

Please note that the answer should be written in OWN words (maximum 200 words).


The root causes of feudalism in the agriculture sector of Pakistan can be attributed to historical factors, socio-economic structures, and political dynamics. In the early post-independence era, the distribution of land among a few powerful landlords and the absence of effective land reforms entrenched the feudal system. This concentration of land ownership led to the dominance of jagirdars who controlled resources and perpetuated traditional farming practices. Additionally, a lack of education and awareness among the rural population further strengthened the grip of feudal lords over the agrarian landscape.

To eliminate feudalism in the agriculture sector, the government should implement innovative initiatives:

Agricultural Cooperative Societies:

Encouraging the formation of agricultural cooperative societies can empower small-scale farmers by providing them collective bargaining power. These cooperatives can facilitate joint purchasing of inputs, modern farming techniques, and access to credit, reducing dependency on individual landlords.

Digital Agritech Platforms:

Introducing digital agricultural technology platforms can bridge the information gap and empower farmers. Online platforms can provide real-time market information, weather forecasts, and agricultural best practices, enabling farmers to make informed decisions independently, reducing reliance on traditional intermediaries.

These initiatives aim to democratize the agriculture sector, empowering small farmers and breaking the historical chains of feudalism in Pakistan.

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