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Considering the above-mentioned scenario, you are required to answer the following questions:

Suppose an international company AECOM has two computer network sections named “Admin” and “Employees”. The Admin section is comprised of 21 computers which are directly connected with each other to provide efficient communication among computers, whereas the “Employees” section contains 35 computers connected with each other through an intelligent central device. To attend an online conference in another country, the network administrator has established an online video link in the Employees section.


Considering the above-mentioned scenario, you are required to answer the following questions:

1. Identify the type of network topology used in the computer network of the Admin section.

Mesh topology

2. Mention the name of the intelligent device used for connecting computers of the Employee’s section with each other.

The device is 'Switch' and the topology is 'Star'.

3. Identify the type of network required for linking the computers of the Employees’ section with the computer of the conference chair through video conference.

WAN (Wide Area Network)

4. Write the total number of ports required in each computer for the Admin section for the identified topology?

            Formula:  N-1

            Solution: 21-1=20

5. Write the total number of links required for the identified topology for the Admin section. (You need to write all steps of the calculation).

        Formula:    (N x(N-1))/2


                        = ((21x(21-1))/2

                        = (21x20)/2

                        = 210

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