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Write a class named Employee with the following attributes: Employee Id, Employee Name, Employee Basic Salary, Conveyance Allowance, House Rental Allowance, tax deduction and Employee Gross Salary

As the annual inflation rate in Pakistan increased to 27.3% in August of 2022, the highest since May 1975, and figures could go even higher as deadly floods hit the country. 

Transport prices recorded the most significant increase (63.1%), and housing and utilities (27.6%). 

The (SWO) Staff welfare organization (attached department of Establishment Division primarily set up to look after the welfare of Federal Government employees FGE's) has launched a meeting and decided to increase Conveyance Allowance and House Rental Allowance to 25% and 45% of the basic salary respectively and reduce the tax to 2.5% of the basic salary. so that FGE's (Federal Government employees) can manage their living needs.
Suppose you have been hired by a Federal Government Department to develop a system for their Human Resource Department to calculate the salaries of the employees as per SWO's above policy. 

The user will enter Employee Id, Employee Name and basic salary of the employee and the allowances will be calculated according to the basic salary and the tax deduction. Then the Net Payable Salary will be calculated according to the following formulation: 

Net Payable Salary = Basic Salary + Conveyance Allowance + House Rental Allowance – Tax

Conveyance Allowance = 35% of the Basic salary 

House Rental Allowance = 50% of the Basic salary 

Tax = 1.5% of the Basic salary 

Implement C++ code for the following functionalities: 

Write a class named Employee with the following attributes: Employee Id, Employee Name, Employee Basic Salary, Conveyance Allowance, House Rental Allowance, tax deduction and 
Employee Gross Salary

Create an array of three objects using a new operator which will store the data. Create a function for entering data of the employees as mentioned in the Screenshot given below.

Calculate the salary of the employees according to the formulation mentioned above.

Display the Employee Details using the Getter Functions in the main() function


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

class Employee {
string Employee_Name;
int Employee_Id;
int Employee_Basic_Salary;
int Employee_Gross_Salary;
int Conveyance_Allowance;
int House_Rental_Allowance;
int tax_deduction;
void setEmployee_Id(int id);
void setEmployee_Basic_Salary(int salaray);
void setEmployee_Name(string name);
int getEmployee_Id();
int getEmployee_Basic_Salary();
string getEmployee_Name();
int getHouse_Rental_Allowance();
int getConveyance_Allowance();
int getTax_deduction();
int getEmployee_Gross_Salary();
void Employee::setEmployee_Id(int id)
this->Employee_Id = id;

void Employee::setEmployee_Basic_Salary(int salaray)
this->Employee_Basic_Salary = salaray;

void Employee::setEmployee_Name(string name)
this->Employee_Name = name;

int Employee::getEmployee_Id()
return this->Employee_Id;

int Employee::getEmployee_Basic_Salary()
return this->Employee_Basic_Salary;

string Employee::getEmployee_Name()
return this->Employee_Name;

int Employee::getHouse_Rental_Allowance()
this->House_Rental_Allowance = (50 * this->Employee_Basic_Salary) / 100;
return this->House_Rental_Allowance;

int Employee::getConveyance_Allowance()
this->Conveyance_Allowance = (35 * this->Employee_Basic_Salary) / 100;
return this->Conveyance_Allowance;

int Employee::getTax_deduction()
this->tax_deduction = (1.5 * this->Employee_Basic_Salary) / 100;
return this->tax_deduction;

int Employee::getEmployee_Gross_Salary()
this->Employee_Gross_Salary = (this->Employee_Basic_Salary + this->Conveyance_Allowance + this->House_Rental_Allowance - this->tax_deduction);
return this->Employee_Gross_Salary;

int main()
Employee *emp = new Employee[3];
int id, salary;
string name;
cout << "Assignmnet Submitted by: <BS00000000>" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << "________________________________________" << endl;
cout << "Enter Employee ID :";
cin >> id;
cout << "Enter Employee name :";
cin >> name;
cout << "Enter Employee Basic Salary :";
cin >> salary;
cout << "________________________________________" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Empployee Id:"<< " " << emp[i].getEmployee_Id()<<endl;
cout << "Employee Name:"<< " " << emp[i].getEmployee_Name()<<endl;
cout << "Employee Basic Salary:" << " " << emp[i].getEmployee_Basic_Salary()<<endl;
cout << "Employee House Rental Allowance:"<< " " << emp[i].getHouse_Rental_Allowance()<<endl;
cout << "Employee Conveyance Allowance:" << " " << emp[i].getConveyance_Allowance()<<endl;
cout << "Employee Tax Deduction:"<< " " << emp[i].getTax_deduction()<<endl;
cout << "Employee Gross Salary:"<< " " << emp[i].getEmployee_Gross_Salary()<<endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
delete []emp;
return 0;


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