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What are the comparisons of qualitative and quantitative research?

What are the comparisons of qualitative and quantitative research?



Quantitative research is a more methodical approach to solving problems by generating and using data. This form of research is used in quantifying data and variables into concrete data. The surveys used in Quantitative Research include online surveys, paper surveys and other forms of survey used to complete the research.

Comparisons between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

A method for developing a better understanding of human and social sciences, in understanding human behaviour and personalities better.

It is the method used to generate numerical data by using a lot of techniques such as logical, statistical and mathematical techniques.

It employs a subjective approach.

It employs an objective approach.

It is generally expressed using words.

It is expressed using graphs and numbers.

It has open-ended questions.

It has multiple choice questions.

Qualitative research needs only a few respondents.

Quantitative research requires many respondents.

The data collection methods involved are interviews, focus groups, literature review, ethnography.

The data collection methods involved are experiments, surveys, and observations expressed in numbers.

Qualitative research is holistic in nature.

Quantitative Research is particularistic in nature.

The reasoning used to synthesise data in this research is inductive.

The reasoning used to synthesise data in this research is deductive.

This method involves a process-oriented inquiry.

This method does not involve a process-oriented inquiry.

It develops the initial understanding of data.

It recommends a final course of action.

The data taken in the Qualitative research method is pretty verbal.

The data taken in this method is pretty measurable.

The objective of this research method is to engage and discover various ideas.

The main objective of Quantitative research is to examine the cause and effect between the variables.

It is one of the exploratory research methods.

It is a conclusive research method.

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