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What is an Ecosystem? Differentiate b/w Interspecific & Intraspecific Competition?

What is an Ecosystem? Differentiate b/w 
Interspecific & Intraspecific Competition?



An ecosystem is a community of animals, plants, microorganisms, non-living things, and their shared environment. Find out about energy transfer, niches, and competition in ecosystems.

Differentiate b/w Interspecific & Intraspecific Competition

Competition among organisms is a natural process, and it will lead to natural selection. Thus, interspecific and intraspecific competition are the two most common phenomena. Interspecific competition occurs between two or more species. On the contrary, intraspecific competition occurs between organisms of the same species. This is the key difference between interspecific and intraspecific competition.


Intraspecific competition

Interspecific competition

The competition which takes place between the members of the same species is called intraspecific competition.

The competition which takes place between the members of different species is called interspecific competition.

The effect of this competition is it improves the adaptation power of the species.

The effect of this competition is one or both species can become extinct or more adaptable.

Intraspecific competition takes place when a population is more crowded.

It usually takes place when there is any limiting force like food, prey, etc present.

The intraspecific competition is more in the presence of a limiting factor.

The interspecific competition is not much in the case of limiting factors like mates.

The growth rate in the case of intraspecific competition is less.

Interspecific competition promotes niche diversification and differentiation.

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