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Define IQ. Make classification of children on the basis of different levels of IQ. Discuss in detail the factors that are responsible for deterring an IQ of child.


Define IQ. Make classification of children on the basis of different levels of IQ. Discuss in detail the factors that are responsible for deterring an IQ of the child.


Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

IQ stands for intelligence quotient. IQ tests are tools to measure intellectual abilities and potential. They're designed to reflect a wide range of cognitive skills, such as reasoning, logic, and problem-solving. It's a test of intelligence, something you're largely born with.

IQ tests are made to have an average score of 100. Psychologists revise the test every few years in order to maintain 100 as the average. Most people (about 68 percent) have an IQ between 85 and 115. Only a small fraction of people have a very low IQ (below 70) or a very high IQ (above 130).

Understanding an individual's overall ability level is important in understanding how they can and will function in an academic setting and helps parents and teachers to understand their capabili
ties with regard to academics and life in general.


Classification Of Children On The Basis Of Different Levels Of IQ:

A Breakdown of IQ Scores

  • 1 to 24:            =>        Profound mental disability
  • 25 to 39:          =>        Severe mental disability
  • 40 to 54:          =>        Moderate mental disability
  • 55 to 69:          =>        Mild mental disability
  • 70 to 84:          =>        Borderline mental disability
  • 85 to 114:        =>        Average intelligence
  • 115 to 129:      =>        Above average or bright
  • 130 to 144:      =>        Moderately gifted
  • 145 to 159:      =>        Highly gifted
  • 160 to 179:      =>        Exceptionally gifted
  • 180 and up:    =>        Profoundly gifted

Factors That Are Responsible For Deterring An IQ Of Child:

Understanding an individual's overall ability level is important in understanding how they can and will function in an academic setting and helps parents and teachers to understand their capabilities with regard to academics and life in general.

During a child's development, factors that contribute to intelligence include their home environment and parenting, education and availability of learning resources, and healthcare and nutrition.

Even though the genetic susceptibility plays a crucial role on the IQ of the individual, various modifiable environmental factors like education, premature birth, nutrition, pollution, drug and alcohol abuse, mental illnesses, and diseases can have an influence on an individual's IQ.

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