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Identify the component of CIA Triad in each of the above-mentioned issues

Suppose a well-known hotel chain that operates across the world has reported a massive data breach in its online booking system. Security breaches today are very common, as attackers are constantly finding new and innovative ways of infiltrating organizations in search of valuable information.

The hotel  management has faced the following issues/events:

  1. The online booking interface of the system got crashed due to which the users remained unable to book the rooms online.
  2. Customers of the hotel registered their complaints to the administration that their booking history is published on the online system which can be seen by anyone.
  3. Some hackers have sent too many fake login requests which cause the online system of the hotel unresponsive and customers to be unable to book the room for the whole day.
  4. Hotel administration observed that the booking information of the customers on the online system of the hotel was altered with some wrong information resulting in defamation of the hotel.
  5. An unauthorized user logged into the hotel’s online system and changed the hotel menu and item prices.

As an Information Security officer, you are given a task to identify the component of CIA Triad in each of the above-mentioned issues which have been compromised in each of the events resulting in security issues.


Component of CIA Triad in each of the above-mentioned issues which has been compromised in each of the events resulting in security issues are as follows:

  1. Availability
  2. Confidentiality
  3. Availability
  4. Integrity
  5. Integrity

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