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After reading the above scenario answer the following questions:

 “Zepra” is an online social media marketing website that is secretly selling clients' data like personal details, banking details, contact detail, and personal pictures over some anonymous buyers on the online black market. Anonymous buyers use this data to blackmail the Zepra clients and demand heavy extortion after a threat.

Security agencies took notice and the case is now sent to NR3C (National response center for cyber-crimes) to investigate it further. 

After reading the above scenario answer the following questions:

1) Which personnel shall have the authority to obtain and copy the data, obtain an intelligible output 
     from the information system? 


            The person who would have the authority to obtain and copy the data, and obtain an intelligible output from the information system would be the investigators from the National response center for cyber-crimes (NR3C). They would have the legal authority to access and collect the necessary data for the investigation.

2) Under which Cybercrime Act this cybercrime would be categorized?


            The cybercrime of selling the personal and sensitive information of clients would be categorized under the unauthorized access, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of data or electronic systems, which is considered as a cybercrime under the Cybercrime Prevention Act (Republic Act No. 10175) specifically section 4 (a) and (b) of the said act.

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