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Identify the most suitable Intellectual Property Right for each of the following case:

Identify the most suitable Intellectual Property Right for each of the following cases:

1. Mr “Ali” is a painter. He painted a beautiful animal nexus. What kind of intellectual property will he use to prohibit others from copying its painting?


Copyright - Copyright can be used to protect an original painting, such as Mr. Ali's animal nexus painting. It gives the copyright holder exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, display, and perform the work, and to create derivative works.

2. “MEQA” company is a medical equipment-making company. They invents a new CGM (continuous glucose monitor) that monitors a person’s blood glucose level via a sensor without pricking the needle. What kind of intellectual property will this company use to prohibit others from stealing its invention?


Patent - A patent is a legal monopoly granted to an inventor for a certain period of time, in exchange for a full public disclosure of the invention. In this case, the company MEQA can use the patent to prohibit others from stealing or copying its invention of CGM (continuous glucose monitor)

3. Samsung is a renowned smartphone company with a slogan of “Do, What You Can’t”. What kind of intellectual property will this company use to prohibit other smartphone companies from stealing/copying its slogan?


Trademark - Trademark refers to a word, name, symbol, or device that is used to identify and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider from those of others. Samsung can use a trademark to prohibit other smartphone companies from stealing or copying its slogan "Do, What You Can't".

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