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A car manufacturer has been producing gasoline-powered vehicles for decades.

The Case:

A car manufacturer has been producing gasoline-powered vehicles for decades. However, with the increasing concern for environmental sustainability, they recognize a growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs). The company invests in research and development to design and produce EVs, targeting eco-conscious consumers who have a desire for environmentally friendly transportation.


Q1: Which Marketing Concept is represented in the above scenario? Justify your answer with valid arguments.

Q2: Which demand situation is represented in the above scenario?


Which Marketing Concept is represented in the above scenario? Justify your answer with valid arguments.

The marketing concept represented in the above scenario is the societal marketing concept. The societal marketing concept focuses on meeting the needs of consumers while also addressing the long-term well-being of society and the environment. In this case, the car manufacturer recognizes the growing demand for environmentally friendly transportation and invests in research and development to design and produce electric vehicles. By doing so, the company is meeting the needs of eco-conscious consumers while also contributing to the long-term well-being of the environment. This approach aligns with the societal marketing concept's emphasis on creating a balance between the organization's objectives and society's interests.

Which demand situation is represented in the above scenario?

The demand situation represented in the above scenario is a shift in consumer preferences. As environmental sustainability concerns continue to rise, consumers are increasingly seeking environmentally friendly products, including transportation. This shift in consumer preferences has led to a growing demand for electric vehicles. The car manufacturer recognizes this shift in demand and invests in research and development to meet the needs of these eco-conscious consumers.

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