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Biochemistry-I MCQs | BIO202 MCQs | Set 10

 Biochemistry-I MCQs | BIO202 MCQs | Set 10

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1)    The following salt is water insoluble.

    a)        K

    b)        Na

    c)        Mg

    d)       Zn

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Zinc (Zn) is water-insoluble as a pure metal. While some zinc compounds may be soluble in water, metallic zinc itself is not readily soluble in water. Sodium (Na), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg) are all alkali or alkaline earth metals and are more soluble in water than zinc.


2)    The oxygen binding site in hemoglobin and myoglobin?

    a)        heme group

    b)        globin group

    c)        Ca+

    d)       Mg+

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


The oxygen-binding site in hemoglobin and myoglobin is the heme group. Heme is an iron-containing prosthetic group that binds and transports oxygen. Hemoglobin and myoglobin are globular proteins that contain heme groups, which are responsible for their oxygen-binding capacity.


3)    Which of the following protects our heart and kidneys from injury?

    a)       Fat

    b)       Muscles

    c)       Lubricants

    d)       Skin

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


Lubricants, such as synovial fluid, help to protect the heart and kidneys from injury by reducing friction and wear and tear. Synovial fluid is a thick, viscous fluid that is found in the joints and around the tendons and ligaments. It helps to cushion and protect the bones and other tissues from damage.


4)    The physical state of fat at room temperature is:

    a)        Gas

    b)        Solid

    c)        Plasma

    d)       Liquid

Correct Answer:

The correct answer is  'b'.


The physical state of fat at room temperature is solid. Fats are typically solid at room temperature due to their composition of saturated fatty acids. In contrast, oils, which contain a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, are liquid at room temperature.


5)    Esters of fatty acids with higher molecular weight monohydric, alcohols (having one OH group)

    a)        Waxes

    b)        Protein

    c)         Lipid

    d)        Steroid

Correct Answer:

The correct answer is  'a'.


Esters of fatty acids with higher molecular weight monohydric alcohols (those with one hydroxyl group) are commonly known as waxes. Waxes are lipid compounds that have a variety of functions in nature, such as providing protective coatings on plants and animals and serving as structural elements in some organisms.


6)     The conformational change of hemoglobin is usually described as changing from T (Tense) state to R (Relexed) state with a low affinity for Oxygen.

    a)       True

    b)      False

Correct Answer:

The correct answer is  'a'.


The conformational change of hemoglobin is usually described as changing from the T (Tense) state to the R (Relaxed) state with a low affinity for oxygen. This conformational change allows hemoglobin to release oxygen more readily in tissues with higher oxygen demand.


7)    Immunoglobulin and ______ are forms of protective proteins

    a)        Plasminogen

    b)       IgG

    c)        Hemoglobin

    d)        Fibrinogen

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


IgG is the most abundant immunoglobulin in the blood and it is the most important immunoglobulin for protecting the body against infection. IgG antibodies can bind to foreign invaders and mark them for destruction by other immune cells. IgG antibodies can also neutralize toxins and prevent them from causing harm.


8)    Which type of membrane lipid contains an acidic oligosaccharide?

    a)        globoside

    b)        phosphatidylinositol

    c)        cerebroside

    d)        ganglioside

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Gangliosides are a type of membrane lipid that contains an acidic oligosaccharide. They are complex glycosphingolipids found in the outer leaflet of cell membranes and are particularly abundant in nerve cells. Gangliosides play important roles in cell signaling and recognition. 


9)     In myoglobin and hemoglobin, heme is covalently linked with _____ amino acid (eight residues of F helix)

    a)        Alanine F8

    b)        None of them

    c)         Histidine F8

    d)        both

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


In myoglobin and hemoglobin, heme is covalently linked with the histidine amino acid at the eighth residue of the F helix. This histidine residue forms a coordinate bond with the iron atom at the center of the heme group, allowing for the reversible binding of oxygen.


10)  Proteins present in cell membranes may function as ____ or transporters.  

    a)        receptors

    b)        hormones

    c)        immunoglobulins

    d)       storage proteins

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


Proteins present in cell membranes may function as receptors or transporters. Receptor proteins are involved in signaling and communication, while transporter proteins facilitate the movement of molecules across the cell membrane. These functions are crucial for the proper functioning of the cell and the organism.


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