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Essential of Genetics MCQs | BIO301 MCQs | Set 3

 Essential of Genetics MCQs | BIO301 MCQs | Set 3

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1)    _______ is an individual's observable traits, such as height, eye color, and blood type

    a)        Genotype

    b)        Genetics 

    c)        Phenotype 

    d)        Trait

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The term for an individual's observable traits, such as height, eye color, and blood type, is "phenotype" (option c) because the phenotype represents the physical and visible characteristics of an organism. These traits are the result of the interaction between an individual's genetic makeup (genotype) and environmental factors. The genotype (option a) refers to an individual's genetic composition or the specific alleles they carry for a particular trait. Traits (option d) are the specific characteristics or features that make up an individual's phenotype. "Genetics" (option b) is the broader field of study that encompasses the science of heredity and the study of genes, including both genotypes and phenotypes.


2)    A DNA polymorphism affects _____ of the population.

    a)        2-3%

    b)        1-2%  

    c)        4-5%  

    d)       3-4% 

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


DNA polymorphisms are genetic variations that occur in the population. These variations can involve differences in the DNA sequence at specific locations in the genome. It's estimated that, on average, about 1-2% of the human genome consists of DNA polymorphisms or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are variations in a single DNA building block (nucleotide).


3)    Type of inheritance appears in AB blood group phenotype?

    a)       Complete dominance

    b)       All of these

    c)       Co-dominance

    d)       Incomplete dominance  

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The AB blood group phenotype exhibits co-dominance because both the A and B alleles for blood type are expressed equally in individuals with this blood group. In co-dominance, neither allele is dominant over the other, and both are fully and visibly expressed in the phenotype.


4)    The process of transfer of human blood is known as?

    a)        Transporting

    b)        Processing

    c)        Transferring

    d)       Transfusion

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


The term for the process of transferring human blood from one individual to another is "transfusion" (option d). This process is commonly used in medical settings for various purposes, such as treating medical conditions, surgeries, and trauma. During a transfusion, blood or blood components are transferred from a donor to a recipient to restore or enhance the recipient's blood volume, improve oxygen-carrying capacity, or address specific medical needs. The term "transfusion" specifically refers to this medical procedure. Options a, b, and c do not accurately describe the process of transferring human blood in the context of medical procedures.


5)    When genes are on distinct chromosomes, what is the dihybrid test cross ratio?

    a)        3:1

    b)        1:1:1:1

    c)         1:2:3:1

    d)        9:3:3:1

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


When genes are on distinct chromosomes, the dihybrid test cross ratio is 1:1:1:1. This is because the two genes assort independently of each other, meaning that the inheritance of one gene does not affect the inheritance of the other gene.


6)     How many alleles influence the colour of a rabbit's fur?

    a)       4

    b)       6

    c)       1

    d)       2  

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


The color of a rabbit's fur is determined by four different alleles, which are:

  • C: Agouti (wild type)
  • cch: Chinchilla
  • ch: Himalayan
  • c: Albino


7)    Which of the following animals has the same XX-XY sex determination as humans?

    a)        Reptiles 

    b)        Birds

    c)        Grasshopps

    d)       Drosophila

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Drosophila, also known as fruit flies, have the same XX-XY sex determination system as humans. This means that females have two copies of the X chromosome, while males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. The Y chromosome contains the Sry gene, which is responsible for male sex development.


8)    The sex of male bee is:

    a)        XY

    b)        Diploid

    c)        ZW

    d)       Haploid

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


The sex of a male bee is haploid (option d) because bees, including honeybees, have a unique system of sex determination. In the case of bees, unfertilized eggs develop into males, and these eggs contain half the normal diploid number of chromosomes. Haploid individuals have a single set of chromosomes, which is why the sex of a male bee is described as haploid. In contrast, female bees are diploid (option b) as they develop from fertilized eggs and have the typical two sets of chromosomes. Option a (XY) and option c (ZW) are not applicable to the sex determination system of bees. 


9)    What is the phenomena that might cause a linkage to be broken?

    a)        Linkage

    b)        Reconstruction

    c)         Breakage

    d)        Crossing over

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Crossing over is the phenomenon during meiosis in which sections of homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material. This process can cause the linkage between two genes located on the same chromosome to be broken, as it results in the swapping of genetic information between the chromatids of the homologous chromosomes. As a result, new combinations of alleles are created, and genes that were previously linked together on the same chromosome may become separated. This is a key mechanism for genetic diversity and explains how linked genes can occasionally be inherited independently, breaking the linkage.


10)   Which of the following organisms whose first genetic map was made? 

    a)        Rate

    b)        Arabidopsis

    c)        Drosophila

    d)       Fly

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The first genetic map was developed for Drosophila (option c), commonly known as the fruit fly. This work was pioneered by Thomas Hunt Morgan and his colleagues in the early 20th century. Drosophila became a model organism for genetic research because it has a short generation time, produces many offspring, and has distinct visible traits that are controlled by various genes. This made it ideal for studying genetic inheritance patterns and developing the first genetic maps, which laid the foundation for our understanding of genetic linkage and the arrangement of genes on chromosomes. The other options (a, b, and d) are not historically known as the organisms for which the first genetic maps were made.


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