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Essential of Genetics MCQs | BIO301 MCQs | Set 2

 Essential of Genetics MCQs | BIO301 MCQs | Set 2

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1)    In nature variation is

    a)        Temporary 

    b)        Consistent 

    c)        Widespread 

    d)        All  

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Variation in nature is widespread, consistent, and permanent. It is found in all living organisms, from the smallest bacteria to the largest whales. Variation can be seen in physical appearance, behavior, and even physiological processes.


2)    Condition in which an intermediate phenotype is developed from the cross of parental generation.

    a)        Codominance 

    b)        Incomplete dominance  

    c)        Both  

    d)       Over dominance 

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


Incomplete dominance occurs when the offspring of a cross between two different parental phenotypes exhibit a phenotype that is intermediate or a blend of the parental phenotypes. This is because neither allele is completely dominant over the other. In contrast, codominance involves both alleles being expressed simultaneously without blending into an intermediate phenotype. So, in the context described, incomplete dominance is the appropriate choice.


3)    prokaryotic cell divides by:

    a)       Budding  

    b)       Grafting 

    c)       Mitosis 

    d)       Binary fission  

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission because they lack a true nucleus and other complex organelles found in eukaryotic cells. In binary fission, a prokaryotic cell simply replicates its DNA and then divides into two daughter cells, each containing a copy of the original cell's genetic material. This process is characteristic of prokaryotic cell division and is different from mitosis, which is the process of cell division in eukaryotic cells with a true nucleus. Budding and grafting are not methods of cell division but rather methods of asexual reproduction in some multicellular organisms.


4)    Condition in which one gene prevent the expression of other gene:

    a)        Polymorphism 

    b)        Pleiotropy 

    c)        Epistasis 

    d)       Polygon 

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


The term for the condition in which one gene prevents the expression of another gene is "epistasis." Epistasis is a form of genetic interaction where the expression of one gene masks or modifies the expression of another gene. This can occur when one gene codes for a protein that interferes with the expression or function of another gene's product, effectively blocking its effects. In contrast, polymorphism refers to the occurrence of multiple forms of a gene in a population, pleiotropy refers to one gene affecting multiple traits, and "Polygon 4" is not a relevant term in this context.


5)    Bacterial chromosome is made up of

    a)        DNA

    b)        Histone

    c)         Both 

    d)        RNA 

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


A bacterial chromosome is made up of DNA (option a) because DNA carries the genetic information of the bacterium. Unlike eukaryotic cells, bacterial chromosomes do not typically associate with histone proteins (option b), which are more commonly found in eukaryotic cells to help package and regulate DNA. The primary genetic material in bacteria is DNA, and it is responsible for encoding the genes that govern the bacterium's characteristics and functions. RNA (option d) can also be found in bacterial cells, but it is primarily involved in processes like transcription and translation of the genetic information stored in the DNA.


6)     The structure for chromosome stability

    a)       Telomere 

    b)       Centrosome  

    c)       Centromere 

    d)       Chiasmata  

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


Centromeres are also important for maintaining chromosome stability. They protect the ends of the chromosomes from fraying and degradation. Additionally, they help to prevent chromosomes from sticking together during cell division.


7)    Broken ends of chromosomes are

    a)        Fluffy 

    b)        Sticky 

    c)        Transparent 

    d)       Non sticky 

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


The broken ends of chromosomes are often referred to as "sticky" because when a chromosome experiences a break, the broken ends have a tendency to adhere or stick to other broken chromosome ends or cellular structures. This stickiness can facilitate the repair of the broken chromosome through various cellular processes, such as DNA repair mechanisms that rejoin the broken ends of the chromosome. It's this adhesive property of the broken chromosome ends that makes them "sticky."


8)    Centromere is unable to work due to mutation in:

    a)        CDE-I

    b)        CDE-II

    c)        CDE-III

    d)       CDE-IV

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


CDE-III is a conserved DNA element that is essential for centromere function. Mutations in CDE-III can disrupt the binding of centromere-specific proteins and lead to chromosome instability. 


9)    XO system of sex is present in:

    a)        Fuitfly  

    b)        Grasshoper  

    c)         Snake  

    d)        Frog 

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


The XO system of sex determination is found in grasshoppers and some other insects. In this system:

  • Individuals with two X chromosomes (XX) develop as females.
  • Individuals with a single X chromosome (XO) develop as males.

This is in contrast to the XY system found in many mammals, where individuals with two X chromosomes are typically female, and individuals with one X and one Y chromosome are typically male. The XO system is characteristic of certain insect species, including grasshoppers.


10)   ______ was considered as "The Father of Genetics"? 

    a)        James Watson 

    b)        Gregor Johann Mendel

    c)        Charles Darwin

    d)       Francis Crick

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


Gregor Johann Mendel is often referred to as "The Father of Genetics" because of his pioneering work on the inheritance of traits in pea plants. In the mid-19th century, Mendel conducted experiments in which he carefully observed and documented the patterns of inheritance of traits, including characteristics like pea shape, pea color, and flower color. He established the fundamental principles of heredity, which laid the foundation for the modern science of genetics.


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