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History of English Language MCQs | ENG501 MCQs | Set 6

History of English Language MCQs | ENG501 MCQs | Set 6

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1)    Which of the following is NOT true about language?

    a)        A language does exist as an abstract entity.

    b)        It is a tool that people actually use in daily life.

    c)        Language plays a significant role in people's lives.

    d)        A study of language is its social and historical aspects.

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


Language does not exist as an abstract entity on its own; rather, it is a complex and dynamic system of communication used by people in their daily lives. Language is a product of human social and cognitive processes and is deeply intertwined with culture, society, and individual human experiences. It is not an abstract entity but a living and evolving means of communication.


2)    Which of the following statements is Not true?

    a)        Language is a formal system of signs and symbols, such as calculus.

    b)        Gestures arid facial expressions are also a part of language.

    c)        Audible and meaningful sounds are produced by the vocal organs.

    d)        Human utterances are general and animal cries are specific.

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


This statement is not accurate because human utterances can also be specific, depending on the context and the language being used. Human language is highly versatile and can convey both general and specific information. Animal cries, on the other hand, are often more limited in their range of expression and are typically more specific in nature, conveying basic emotions or signals such as danger or hunger.


3)    How many different languages are there in the world currently?

    a)       Over six thousand

    b)       Five thousand

    c)        Three thousand

    d)        Six thousand

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


There are over six thousand different languages spoken in the world today. Language diversity is a remarkable feature of our planet, with many of these languages having their own unique characteristics and cultural significance.


4)    Which of the languages survived currently in the language families?

    a)        Phoenician

    b)        Aramaic

    c)        Assyrian

    d)        Arabic

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Phoenician is considered an extinct language, while Assyrian is a dialect of Aramaic that is still spoken by some communities but is not as widespread as Arabic or Aramaic.


5)    New File data start

    a)        To some extent

    b)        Kind of

    c)        Sort of

    d)        Rather

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


The word "kinda" is a colloquial and informal contraction of "kind of." It is used in spoken language, particularly in casual conversations, to convey a sense of vagueness, approximation, or informality.


6)     Select the Middle English Period from the following options?

    a)        900-1100

    b)        1100-1500

    c)        1000-1200

    d)        1100-1200

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


The Middle English Period is typically considered to have spanned from 1100 to 1500 because of significant linguistic, cultural, and historical changes that occurred during this time frame.


7)    About which language, Sir William Jones, a British government official in India, observe that it is perfect, copious, and exquisitely refined?

    a)        Greek

    b)        Latin

    c)        Hebrew

    d)      Sanskrit

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Sir William Jones, a British scholar and judge who lived during the late 18th century, made significant contributions to the fields of linguistics, literature, and law. He is particularly renowned for his observation about the Sanskrit language.


8)   Which aspect is Not part of human language?

    a)        Signs

    b)       Symbols

    c)        Meaningful sounds

    d)        Ko Ko sound

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


"Ko Ko sound" does not have a recognized linguistic or communicative meaning within the context of human language. It does not correspond to a standard linguistic term or concept, which is why it is not part of human language. 


9)     In linguistics, the relationship between linguistic signs and objects in the world is described as the principle of __________.

    a)        displacement

    b)        duality

    c)         duality

    d)        arbitrariness

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


The principle of arbitrariness in linguistics refers to the fact that there is generally no inherent or logical connection between linguistic signs (words, symbols) and the objects or concepts they represent in the world.


10)   What is the strength of people who speak English as a foreign language in the world?  

    a)        Over 700 million

    b)        Below 500 million

    c)        600 million

    d)        5.5 million

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


The estimate of over 700 million people who speak English as a foreign language is based on several factors:

Global Prevalence: English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and it serves as a lingua franca or a common language of communication in various international contexts. Many people across the globe learn and use English for various purposes, such as business, tourism, education, and diplomacy.

Education: English is often taught as a second or foreign language in schools and educational institutions in many countries. It is a core component of the curriculum in numerous nations, and students are required to learn English to varying degrees.

International Business: English is commonly used as the language of international business and trade. Proficiency in English is often a requirement for individuals seeking employment in multinational companies and industries.

Tourism: English is a widely used language in the tourism industry. Travelers and tourists from different countries often communicate in English when visiting foreign destinations.

Internet and Media: The internet, including social media and websites, predominantly uses English as a medium of communication. Additionally, English-language films, music, and literature have a global reach, further promoting the learning of English.

International Relations: English is often used in international diplomacy and international organizations, making it a crucial language for diplomats and professionals working in these fields.

While the estimate of over 700 million people who speak English as a foreign language is an approximation, it reflects the widespread use and importance of English in various aspects of global communication and interaction. It is worth noting that English as a foreign language is not limited to any single region but is encountered in diverse contexts around the world.


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