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Introduction to English Language Teaching MCQs | ENG503 MCQs | Set 1

Introduction to English Language Teaching MCQs | ENG503 MCQs | Set 1

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1)    Final exams, midterm exams, quizzes, etc. are examples of ______ assessment.

    a)        formative

    b)        summative

    c)        diagnostic

    d)        dynamic

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


Final exams, midterm exams, quizzes, etc., are examples of summative assessment because they are designed to evaluate and summarize a student's learning and performance at the end of a particular period, such as a semester or a course. Summative assessments are typically used to assign grades or determine how well a student has mastered the material after instruction has occurred. In contrast, formative assessment is used during the learning process to provide feedback and guide instruction, diagnostic assessment is used to identify students' strengths and weaknesses, and dynamic assessment involves ongoing assessment and adjustment of instruction.


2)    The student is encouraged to produce as a list as possible of all the main ideas that come to mind in ______ stage of writing.

    a)        listing

    b)        clustering

    c)        free writing

    d)        editing

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


The stage of writing referred to in the statement is "free writing." During the free writing stage, a student is encouraged to produce as many main ideas as possible without worrying too much about structure, grammar, or organization. It is a creative and unstructured form of writing where the goal is to generate ideas and get thoughts down on paper. This stage helps students brainstorm and explore their thoughts freely before moving on to more structured stages like editing and organizing their ideas into a coherent piece of writing.


3)    In linguistics, _______ are words that sound alike or are spelled alike but have different meanings.

    a)       Homonyms

    b)       Polysemys

    c)        Metonyms

    d)        Collocations

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


Homonyms are words that have the same form (they can be spelled alike and/or pronounced alike) but have different meanings.


4)    A different phonetic variation of a morpheme is called

    a)        Allomorphs

    b)        Morphs

    c)        Phones

    d)        Allophones

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


In linguistics, a different phonetic variation of a morpheme is called an "allomorph."


5)    A syntactic unit that functions as part of a larger unit within a sentence is called ______.

    a)        morpheme

    b)        constituent

    c)        lexeme

    d)        phoneme

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


A syntactic unit that functions as part of a larger unit within a sentence is called a "constituent." In linguistics, constituents are groups of words that work together to form a meaningful unit within a sentence. They can include words, phrases, or clauses and play a crucial role in sentence structure and syntax.


6)     What type of reading would be best for the following text :

The learners read a short text and put events into chronological order.

    a)        Extensive Reading

    b)        Intensive Reading

    c)        Progressive Reading

    d)        Jigsaw Reading

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


Intensive reading involves reading a text carefully and thoroughly to understand its details, including sequencing events, analyzing vocabulary, and comprehending the content in depth. In this case, learners are focusing on the chronological order of events, which aligns with the goals of intensive reading.


7)    The comprehensible output was developed by _______.

    a)        Stephen Krashen

    b)        Noam Chomsky

    c)        Larry Salinkar

    d)        Merrill Swain

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Merrill Swain is credited with developing the Comprehensible Output Hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that producing language, or "output," is a crucial part of language learning because it helps learners solidify their understanding of the language. According to Swain, the act of trying to produce sentences and communicate in the target language forces learners to engage with the language at a deeper level, leading to improved language acquisition. This theory emphasizes the importance of both input (listening and reading) and output (speaking and writing) in the language learning process.


8)   Which of the following factors best defines the given statement:

It refers to one's potential for learning new knowledge or new skills.

    a)        Language Anxiety

    b)       Social Distance

    c)        Age Differences

    d)        Aptitude

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'd'.


Aptitude refers to a person's inherent capacity or talent for acquiring skills and knowledge in a particular area. It reflects an individual's natural ability to excel in certain tasks or fields of study. 


9)     Semantics is the study of __________.

    a)        meaning

    b)        sound

    c)         signs

    d)        symbols

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


Semantics is the study of meaning in language. It examines how words, phrases, sentences, and discourse convey meaning and how meaning is interpreted and understood by individuals. In the context of linguistics, semantics delves into the relationships between words, their meanings, and how language conveys concepts and ideas. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) "meaning."


10)   Syntacticians have identified __________ different levels of structure at which constituents occur.  

    a)        4

    b)        5

    c)        6

    d)        7

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


Syntacticians have identified four different levels of structure at which constituents occur in the study of syntax:

  • Words: This is the smallest level where constituents are individual words.
  • Phrases: Phrases are composed of words and include structures like noun phrases (NP) or verb phrases (VP).
  • Clauses: Clauses are larger units that include a subject and a predicate, potentially with additional phrases and clauses embedded within them.
  • Sentences: Sentences are the highest level of structure, and they can consist of one or more clauses and additional constituents.

These four levels are commonly recognized in the field of syntax to analyze the hierarchical structure of language.


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