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Second Language Acquisition MCQs | ENG504 MCQs | Set 1

Second Language Acquisition MCQs | ENG504 MCQs | Set 1

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

1)    Human beings are viewed as autonomous and active in ______ model.

    a)        MacLaughin's

    b)        Krashen's

    c)        Anderson's

    d)        Andarson's

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


In Stephen Krashen's model of language acquisition, humans are viewed as autonomous and active because he emphasizes the importance of natural language acquisition processes driven by the learner's intrinsic motivation and exposure to comprehensible input. Krashen's theory, often referred to as the Input Hypothesis, suggests that language learners acquire language best when they are engaged in meaningful and interesting communication, rather than through formal instruction or explicit grammar rules. This approach places the learner in an active role, seeking out and processing language input in a self-directed manner, which is why human beings are considered autonomous and active in Krashen's model.


2)    McLaughin's Model of Information Processing describes that the capacity of the mind at any given moment is ______.

    a)        expanded

    b)        vague

    c)        limited

    d)        unlimited

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'c'.


In McLaughlin's Model of Information Processing, the concept of limited capacity refers to the idea that the human mind has finite resources and can only process a limited amount of information at any given moment. This limitation arises from the constraints of cognitive resources, such as attention, memory, and processing speed.


3)    In the Interactionist tradition, there are lack of studies that document the learners' use and control of the learned items.

    a)       True

    b)       False

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


In the Interactionist tradition, there are indeed studies that document the learners' use and control of the learned items. This tradition emphasizes the importance of social interaction and communication in language learning and often includes research that examines how learners use and apply what they have learned in real-world contexts.


4)    Swain believes that the activity of producing the target language may push the learner to become ________ of gaps and problems in their current SL system.

    a)        knowing

    b)        aware

    c)        ignorant

    d)        blind

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


Swain's theory of language production, known as the "Output Hypothesis," suggests that producing (speaking or writing) the target language can lead learners to become more aware of gaps and problems in their current second language (SL) system. The act of trying to express themselves in the target language forces learners to actively engage with the language and to notice the areas where they may lack knowledge or have difficulties. This heightened awareness of their linguistic limitations can, in turn, drive them to seek solutions and make improvements in their language proficiency. Therefore, "aware" is the appropriate term to describe this increased consciousness of language gaps and problems in Swain's model.


5)    Mackey's (1999) study provided the clearest evidence that taking part in interaction can ______ second language development.

    a)        helpful

    b)        facilitate

    c)        halt

    d)        hinder

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


Mackey's (1999) study demonstrated that participating in interaction, such as conversational exchanges and discussions in the target language, can facilitate or promote second language development. This means that engaging in interactions provides opportunities for learners to practice and apply their language skills in real communicative contexts. Through this process, learners receive feedback, encounter new vocabulary and structures, and gain a deeper understanding of how the language is used naturally.


6)     In the ________ stage, a method for performing the skill is worked out.

    a)        autonomous

    b)        associative

    c)        cognitive

    d)        all of the given options

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


The associative stage, which comes after the cognitive stage, is characterized by learners refining their skills by practicing and making adjustments based on feedback. In this stage, individuals have a basic understanding of the skill but are working on improving their performance by fine-tuning their technique and reducing errors. They are essentially "associating" their actions with better outcomes and making the necessary adjustments.


7)    A child's language is rule-governed and _______.

    a)        unsystematic

    b)        systematic

    c)        asystematic

    d)        none of the given options

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'b'.


A child's language is considered systematic because it follows a set of rules and structures, even though it may not always conform to the same rules as adult language. Children acquire language by internalizing the grammar and patterns of the language(s) they are exposed to during their early years. They learn and apply rules of syntax, morphology, and phonology, allowing them to communicate effectively within their linguistic community.


8)   Some functional studies adopted a 'patch' approach, studying _______ of forms or development of SL within 'time' or 'space' domain

    a)        evolution

    b)       revolution

    c)        evocation

    d)        solution

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


The word "evolution" is used here to describe the process of change and development, which aligns with the idea of studying how language forms or SL acquisition progress or transform over time or in different spatial settings. So, "evolution" is the most appropriate term to complete the sentence and convey the intended meaning of studying the changes and development of language within these domains. 


9)     Some congnitivists specifically focus on the processing __________ and how they develop in SLL.

    a)        mechanisms

    b)        mannerisms

    c)         minimalisms

    d)        activisms

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


Cognitivists, particularly those who study Second Language Learning (SLL), are interested in understanding the cognitive processes and mechanisms involved in language acquisition and language use. These mechanisms include various mental processes such as memory, attention, perception, and problem-solving, which play a crucial role in how individuals learn and use a second language.


10)   Solbin proposed the existence of 'basic __________ grammar' in which children construct their own form-function relationship to reflect a child's eye view of the world.  

    a)        child

    b)        comprehensive

    c)        cognitive

    d)        None of the given options

Correct Answer: 

The correct answer is  'a'.


The term "basic child grammar" is used to describe the concept proposed by Solbin, which suggests that children construct their own linguistic rules and form-function relationships as they learn and develop their language skills.


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