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The APA’s ethical principles consist of ten broad standards that guide psychologists in their various professional roles. These standards have been discussed in your course. You are required to: • Identify which category of the APA’s human relations code has been violated. • Provide Justification for your assessment. Please Record your answers in the table given below.

The APA’s ethical principles consist of ten broad standards that guide psychologists in their various professional roles. These standards have been discussed in your course. You are required to: 

• Identify which category of the APA’s human relations code has been violated. 

• Provide Justification for your assessment. 

Please Record your answers in the table given below.

Sr. No.


Violation   (2)

Justification (2)


John Money's Experiment: John Money conducted a controversial case study of a boy who was raised as a girl after a botched circumcision. Money repeatedly examined and photographed the child's genitals, which was highly inappropriate.



Psychologists should strictly not engage in any kind of sexual harassment. It can consist of a single intense act or of multiple persistent or pervasive acts. In the given scenario, John repeatedly harassed the kid by examining and photographing his genitals.


Dr. Miller has been treating a patient for several months and is making good progress. However, when the patient recently disclosed their sexual orientation during a therapy session. The psychologist, started treating the patient differently, displaying discomfort and making




judgmental remarks about their sexual orientation.




Sania has a client who has severe depression and has been expressing suicidal thoughts during therapy sessions. However, she does not take appropriate steps to ensure the client's safety.




Stanley Milgram's obedience experiment involved deceiving participants into believing they were administering harmful electric shocks to others. Although participants weren't causing real harm, the study caused severe psychological distress to many of them.




Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a study suggesting a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. It was later revealed that he had been involved in a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturers.




The CIA conducted a series of experiments involving mind control, which included the use of hallucinogenic drugs on unwitting participants, who were not fully informed about the nature of the experiments.




Sr. No.


Violation   (2)

Justification (2)


John Money's Experiment: John Money conducted a controversial case study of a boy who was raised as a girl after a botched circumcision. Money repeatedly examined and photographed the child's genitals, which was highly inappropriate.



Psychologists should strictly not engage in any kind of sexual harassment. It can consist of a single intense act or of multiple persistent or pervasive acts. In the given scenario, John repeatedly harassed the kid by examining and photographing his genitals.


Dr. Miller has been treating a patient for several months and is making good progress. However, when the patient recently disclosed their sexual orientation during a therapy session. The psychologist, started treating the patient differently, displaying discomfort and making judgmental remarks about their sexual orientation.

 Prejudice and Discrimination

 Psychologists must not display prejudice or discriminate against individuals based on their sexual orientation or any other personal characteristics. In this case, Dr. Miller's behavior demonstrates discriminatory treatment towards the patient based on their sexual orientation.


Sania has a client who has severe depression and has been expressing suicidal thoughts during therapy sessions. However, she does not take appropriate steps to ensure the client's safety.


 Psychologists have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of their clients. Sania's failure to take appropriate steps to address a client expressing suicidal thoughts violates the ethical responsibility of ensuring the client's safety.


Stanley Milgram's obedience experiment involved deceiving participants into believing they were administering harmful electric shocks to others. Although participants weren't causing real harm, the study caused severe psychological distress to many of them.

 Informed Consent and Deception

 Psychologists must obtain informed consent and avoid deceptive practices in their research. Milgram's experiment lacked full informed consent and involved significant deception, causing severe distress to participants, breaching ethical guidelines.


Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a study suggesting a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. It was later revealed that he had been involved in a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturers.

 Conflict of Interest

 Psychologists should avoid conflicts of interest that may undermine their professional judgment. Dr. Wakefield's involvement in a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturers poses a conflict of interest that undermines the credibility and objectivity of his research findings.


The CIA conducted a series of experiments involving mind control, which included the use of hallucinogenic drugs on unwitting participants, who were not fully informed about the nature of the experiments.

 Informed Consent and Deception



 Psychologists are required to obtain informed consent and avoid deceptive practices, particularly when conducting experiments on human subjects. The CIA's experiments lacked informed consent and used deception, violating ethical standards in research involving human participants.

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