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With the changing socio-historical context during 1500- 1650, certain new factors were introduced

With the changing
socio-historical context during 1500- 1650, certain new factors were introduced
that determined the path of the English language during the modern period. These
factors caused English to develop along somewhat different lines from those that
had characterized its history in the Middle Ages. Enlist any TEN such elements
from the period as mentioned above. 


  1. Printing press
  2. The rapid spread of popular education
  3. Increased communication
  4. Means of communication 
  5. Growth of specialized knowledge
  6. The emergence of various forms of self-consciousness about language
  7. The invention of printing in the middle of the fifteenth century exercised a far-reaching influence on
    all the vernacular languages of Europe
  8. Introduced into England about 1476 by William Caxton
  9. Printing made rapid progress
  10. A century later manuscript books were seldom seen and never used 
  11. Effect on Vocabulary
  12. Both radical and conservative
  13. Radical in terms of vocabulary
  14. Conservative in terms of grammar

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